Monday, January 31, 2011

Sneakity Peakity.

It's moving week. Again. Nothing like moving your entire existence twice in 7 months. It's so rest producing and all...

And so what would be more appropriate at this time than to take on a project? :) Makes total sense. Focus on what's important right? Here enters my new craft locker. As a reminder, this is what it came like:
And here is a post makeover sneak peak:

The bells and whistles have yet to be added. And it's sitting on a cluttered back porch. Which is just not pretty. Once I get in to the new pad, I will get it all together and post another pic.

And this is a glimpse in to why someone like me would need something such as this.

I am an organized person's worst nightmare. And I am the last person that should attempt to live in a 1200 square foot house with little storage space. Good thing the new place is a little bigger, eh? And good thing I have my new super fun craft locker!

On a side note, I just realized that I forgot to snap a shot of the Packing Party that I had on Saturday. PLEASE, IF EVER YOU MOVE, KEEP THIS IN MIND! I had several friends over to assist in the process of boxing stuff. It was a great time with the ladies and we got a ton accomplished and I was completely compliant with my chiropractor's orders for NO LIFTING. Yay us.

Happy Monday ya'll!

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