Thursday, November 4, 2010

The Autumn of Pumpkin: Pumpkin Dip Revisited...

Ah, Pumpkin Dip. If you missed this recipe, click here. I made this the other night for our first Cewing Circle meeting (which was a lovely time!) And I was not overexaggerating when I remembered it as one of my personal fave recipes of all time. :) Hannah made some fabulous treats too and so lucky us, we have some left over to munch on...

Oh, and to make the pita chips (for MUCH cheaper than you can buy a bag of em...) just buy a regular bag of pitas. I used the honey wheat ones. Then, cut them into eighths, which ends of looking like a triangle (or a pizza). Spray a baking sheet with Pam. Separate them and spread on the sheet. Squirt em with a little more Pam. Then sprinkle some sugar and cinnamon over them. Bake at 325 for 8-10 minutes, checking on them towards the end to make sure they don't get too crunchy. Enjoy! :)

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