Sunday, July 4, 2010

New House! and Happy July 4th!

So, I took a little break from blogging. We'll call it a "holy crap, the short sale deal went through and we have to move in 2 weeks" hiatus. Mike Boland, who preached this morning at City Church, said that storms have the power to make some people go when something chaotic happens in your life, we just really can have a hard time resting/trusting/breathing, etc. Well, that folks, is yours truly. With the exception of the past 2 days, I feel like I have either been packing a box, unpacking a box or thinking about one or the other for the past month. Needless to say, I am muy consado and in need of a little r&r. So, howzabout a little blogging to catch everyone up on all of the chaos! (Yes, this does feel like rest to me....)

Selah has been a little trooper through this whole process. We began telling her about the "new house" a few weeks ago and she would bring it up randomly in conversation. She has been somewhat cranky at times, but I am not sure that we can blame that on the transition. It could also be the teething process, or the fact that she will soon be turning *2* and she is testing out what it might feel like to be a little terrible every now and again.

Another very favorite thing that she has done lately is adding "honey" on to the end of her sentences. She adds a little pause to the term of endearment to make it all the more presh. For example, "I see you... hu-ney." "There you are" "Thank" OMG. She is so stinkin sweet.

As far as the new house goes, we are getting unpacked and organized. It's a really fun older house with lots of character and not so much extra space. Josh is thrilled at the idea of paring our belongings down to be able to better fit....since I am a bit of a hoarder of things...and to be honest, so am I. Seems like the right time to deal with all of the clutter and purge of things that I no longer need or to which I shouldn't have an emotional attachment. Easier said than done, I know, but I am hopeful...

I plan to dive back in to developing my photography skills, as soon as I locate my tutorials that the sweet Emily Anderson lended to me. (Good motivation to continue unpacking when I would rather just burn the remaining boxes...) I will leave you with a few recent shots of the munchkin and OF COURSE, a pic of the new crib:

Here she is with one of her future boyfriends Jackson on moving day. They went for a drive together the Barbie Jeep that was originally donated by friends for our yard sale. Selah permanently glued herself to it and so now it sits out in the back yard...A special shout out to Sarah Baker (woot, woot!) for taking Selah that day so that Momma and Daddy could focus on the joy that is moving. It was a lifesaver!

Selah and Daddy at Red White and Boom in Altamonte Springs. It was an amazing fireworks display! She was indecisive about times smiling and enjoying them, then crying overwhelmed by the noise, and then turning away from them altogether to lay down on my shoulder because it was way past her bedtime.
And then there was the day that I walked outside for a minute to put something in the recycle bin. I returned to find that she had put her pearls and tutu on (inside out) and she was wearing her Melmo birthday hat. I added the wings later since she hasn't figured out yet how to do that by herself. She loves to play dress up! Awww.
And drum roll.....................................
There it is...our new home. I'd take some pics of the inside to share, but you wouldn't be able to see anything over all of the boxes. :) More pics to come after we've done some more organizing...

Happy Independence Day Everyone! Isn't it such a blessing that we are free?
"It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery." -Galatians 5:1


Robyn T said...

I love this all, Mel! Makes me happy to read your updates and that you found the time to write and post. Love the new home!

- Robyn

Lavender Bubbles said...

Melonie~ oh little Selah is getting to big. She is like a little girl now and no longer a baby. And i love your house here. What a find- do post pictures of your style inside once you have it the way you like it. Thank you for sharing those other 2 blogs with me. I love love love them! hugs to you

jessica said...

LOVE the new pad! welcome to the fun that is downtown...can't wait to see how you fix everything up. holla!

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